Sunday, July 30, 2017

A very long One Year Sabbatical...

Kauai is known as the Healing Island.  I wasn't aware of that when I put my mainland life on hold with the intent to rest, reflect, regenerate and rejuvenate on Kauai for one year. I was mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally exhausted when I arrived.  

Because there is no drastic change of seasons in Hawaii, I've barely noticed that six years have sailed by since I relocated to Paradise.

Kauai is magical. Kauai is special. Kauai is timeless. I have been embraced by Kauai and her people since the moment I landed in Lihue. So many magical moments occurred to ease the path to transitioning to a new life on this tiny island in the middle of the Pacific.

It turns out that many who come to Kauai are 'called' to live here.  I believe there is a powerful energy around this island that strongly resonates with certain individuals. Artistic, creative talents are in abundance  on Kauai.  Some people are in need of healing.  I know... it sounds pretty woo-woo and "out there".  During my mainland life, I was never one to believe in what we used to call 'New Age' beliefs.  But, it is real. Most who live here will absolutely back me up on this!

"The vortex either pulls you in, or spits you out." ~ Since I moved here in 2011, I've heard this analogy by all kinds of people; from hippies, to business owners, to moms, to Mormons. 

I've witnessed this phenomenon dozens, if not hundreds, of times. If one is meant to be on Kauai, all the proverbial stars align and one is drawn here and embraced. Everything falls into place easily. One meets the right people at the right time. A job is easily found.  Affordable, comfortable housing is offered.  

If one does not belong on Kauai, nothing goes well. Jobs and housing aren't available.  Cars misbehave. One feels lonely and homesick. Those folks don't stay here very long. You get the idea.  

It's been fascinating to witness the 'call' in action.  Some feel the call to live on Kauai the moment he / she steps foot on the island. With others, it make take a bit of time. But, for some unexplainable reason, we HAVE to live here and we do what we must to make it happen. For some, it takes years of planning and pondering for the dream to become reality. I felt it so strongly that I moved here within seven months of first visiting. 

Perhaps that strong pull is what causes everyone who lives here to be so warm and welcoming to newcomers.  We all belong to the spirit I call "Club Kauai". It's the Aloha spirit in spades. 

I believe I am one  of those who was chosen / called to Kauai. But even if one is meant to be here, living in Paradise has a cost, and sometimes a time limit. 

Days, months, years have passed on the mainland, while it feels like time has moved s.l.o.w.l.y on Kauai. 

While I've been enjoying perpetual summer, nieces and nephews have magically grown to adulthood. Several of my nieces have fallen in love and are now happily married and having babies. A new generation is born... 

Peers are retiring from the corporate world, and I understand that my old stomping grounds in NE Ohio are constantly evolving; for better and worse. I've lost some friends in the dance community to illnesses. My older brother, Dan, passed away earlier this year and that still seems inconceivable.  It's difficult to miss all those life changing events. 

I've also lost touch with some mainland friends. I still hold them dear in my memories, but I recognize that we've taken different paths and not everyone stays in our lives forever. I sincerely treasure those who have kept in touch in spite of the challenges of a 5 or 6 hour time difference & almost 5,000 miles distance between us. If you are one of those with whom I've lost contact, please drop me a line, or give me a call. My contact information is still the same.  I will, very much, enjoy hearing from you. 

I am thankful and feeling blessed that my one year sabbatical stretched into six lovely years in Paradise. I met a lot of people; folks who were born and raised on Kauai, old and new transplants, recent retirees, and about a bazillion tourists. Almost everyone of them is HAPPY.  It's a special place when 99% of the people are smiling and generous and loving to all. I've made life long friends who share my love of this island. I've learned to be more accepting of 'free spirits' and those who think and behave totally different than how I was raised. I appreciate the homogenous nature of Hawaii, and love how accepting everyone is of others' beliefs and cultures. 

I have a better insight my own life, too; who I am and how I become this person. My innate personality, experiences, opportunities and choices have all played their roles. I accept responsibility and offer gratitude for it all.  In taking time to reflect, I am also more able to recognize my strengths and weaknesses. I can accept and love myself because, or in spite, of them. I have learned to be kind and forgiving of myself and others as I learn, change, grow and journey on my unique path.

Mostly, I am humbled and blessed to be a teeny tiny part of this magical world.  

I never did make it back to the corporate world and my old life in NE Ohio, but I've achieved my goal. Kauai has worked her magic and my sorrow has eased. It was a much longer process than I had anticipated, but now my spirit is at peace (without having to leave this earthly body!) I am rested and rejuvenated. I've had time to reflect and heal. I am energized and excited to be starting my next Adventure. 

Corporate Kathy is officially retired.  

Kauai Kathy is moving on. 

Hugs and Aloha from the middle of the Pacific, 


PS ~ I am undecided about creating a new blog for the next phase of my life. If you are  intrigued, inspired, or find any value or humor in my sporadic ramblings let me know.  My next blog will have a closed audience. It's too weird and creepy to know that my thoughts are available to the entire world. 

Some random favorite photos: 


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