Friday, December 23, 2011

12/23/2011 Mele Kalikimaka!

Aloha and Mele Kalikimaka (Hello and Merry Christmas)!  

All is well in Kauai; just busy having fun and enjoying life.  So cool to snorkel two days before Christmas :)  Lots of colorful fish to see at Kuhio Park today. 

The days continue to fly by.  This was another fantastic week of going where the wind blows me. 


On Monday, I volunteered at the National Tropical Botanical Gardens (NTBG) and then went to the Koloa Farmers' Market to pick up zucchini, tomatoes and oranges.  At NTBG, I met a new friend, Judy.  At the NTBG potluck lunch, they announced that the Aloha Lomi Massage School students are now 'open for business'.  It's time for them to practice on 'real' clients instead of fellow students.  Judy and I took advantage of the offer and went for massages on Wednesday. While not as wonderful as my massages with Heather in Tallmadge, OH, it was still a good massage and well worth $30/hr :) 

After many years in the corporate world, Judy has created a new life in Kauai  as..... an artist.  She creates beautiful ceramic pieces which you can see here:  I look forward to visiting her at the local craft shows throughout the island when they start up again in February.  

Judy introduced me to Ken, a fellow NTBG volunteer and artist.  I met his family at NTBG last month and they were so delightful to work with at the gardens.  Such a nice family; so full of fun and joy. 

As usual, everywhere I go I run into someone I know.  When Judy and I met Ken for coffee at the Tip Top Cafe, I saw some friends from Taco Tuesday in a nearby booth. 

Yesterday, on my way home, I ran into Mark at the post office, (met him at the pool a couple of months ago) and then Dave, my neighbor, from two doors down.  It takes awhile to get anywhere since I'm always stopping to chat with friends and neighbors along the way.  It reminds me of what it might have been like in a small rural town on the mainland in the 1950's; so different than my life in NE Ohio where my friends were scattered across a 40 mile radius.  Some say that the island of Kauai is 'too small'. Instead, I agree with my kayak-buddy, Margie ~ it's not small, it's intimate!  I love it in Kauai.  Or, can one say they are "in love" with a place???  If so, then I am!

I also met Michael yesterday.  He's the owner of TikiSpice Hawaiian Sea Salt ~  and this stuff is Good!  Michael gave me a sample package and Rick and I grilled some fresh fish last night with Tiki Spice Hawaiian Sea Salt as the only seasoning. It was delicious!  I highly recommend it.  You'll love the flavor and you'll have a taste of the Hawaiian islands at home in Ohio.  Plus, Michael is a super nice guy,  his kids are delightful, and he has a nice dog, too!  I met the little ones when they came Trick or Treating at my house on Halloween and I see his dog at the end of my cul de sac daily ;)   And, get this ~ one of his best clients is Heinen's grocery store chain in the greater Cleveland area, so those of you in Cleveland..... pick some up soon.

(I hope you don't mind me shamelessly plugging my friends' creations, but it's a wonderful life here and I like to see my friends live out their dreams as I am!)

This place never ceases to amaze me with the intricate connections we all have with one another. Kauai is known as the Garden Isle. I think that's an appropriate name, but it could also easily be called the Magical Isle, or perhaps the Rainbow Isle since we have rainbows every day. 

Tomorrow I'm going to the movies with some fellow Meetup Kauai Adventure Club members.  We're seeing the latest George Clooney film, The Descendants.  Not only do we get to see George C, we also will be watching out for familiar landmarks.   I hear the movie was filmed on Kauai and Oahu; should be a fun day. 

I have lots more to share but I have places to go, things to do, people to see, etc, etc. etc. 

I hope your Christmas is 'magical', too! 

Hugs and Aloha to all! ~ Kauai Kathy 

PS - Dear Readers:  Please Post a Comment!  I have no idea who is reading my blog, but I appreciate your interest and would love for you to say "hello".  It's always good to hear from my friends on the mainland.    

Another PS - I still "owe" pics from my visit to Oahu and Diane's visit to Kauai earlier this month. I promise that I will post those pics, and more, eventually...... 

~ Also, Happy Birthday to my dear friend, RobertBobBobby!  I hope your dinner celebration was a good one. I am so happy for you :) 

Blessings and peace ~ K


  1. I'm reading and living the dream vicariously through you Ekat! It sounds like heaven on earth! Keep writing!
    Merry Christmas! ~ Love, Sally

  2. I've read every post, I'm just too jealous to post in case my jealousy starts to seep through aND I START YELLING AT YOU! No, seriously, I'm glad you are having such a great time and really do enjoy reading. I love the pictures though! Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

  3. Thanks and I do understand the importance of posting photos. I have a few from the hike on Sleeping Giant Mountain and I'll post those today or tomorrow, or the next day, or perhaps sometime during that week.... ;)

  4. Kathy-
    I have finally found the time to sit down and read your blog. Thanks for keeping up with it - I love reading about your adventure. Sounds like it's everything you dreamed it would be. I am so happy for you!
    We are enjoying a sunny, cold but very happy Christmas here in NE Ohio. Both girls are home - Kailey only for 4 days - but still, it's our best Christmas present to be together.
    Take care, and I look forward to reading more.

  5. Kathy,
    I don't even know if you still get updates as to who is posting but I had some free time today and I found this blog when you sent the link to your other blog. Anyway, I started at the beginning and am reading my way through it now. You've insprired me to do this one day. it might not be Hawaii but it will be somewhere or something crazy (not that I think you are crazy). Have a great time on your cruise.
    Brooke (W.)
