Monday, December 26, 2011

12/26/2011 Interconnectedness

Noun1.interconnectedness - a state of being connected reciprocally

This morning, as I was  s.l.o.w.l.y  awakening I noticed once again how beautifully the early morning sunlight brightens the bedroom. The walls, indeed, the entire room becomes practically luminescent; so white, so brilliant.   

The cool breeze swirls through the open windows and the breeze as it caresses my face is.... truly 'sweet'.  It feels like the breath of God is blessing me each morning.  

Through those same windows I see cerulean skies with an occasional white puffy cloud floating by.

As I lie there, I am comforted and loved. I live in an earthly paradise.  I am content. 

Hours later, over lunch, I read a passage in 'Learning to Fall' that sounds so similar to my morning musings.  

The author, Philip Simmons, is describing the "gentle, subtle voice of a forest" during a cold New England winter.  He is talking about the pine trees and he says: "Stand by one...and you'll know how God breathes.  Hear the accumulated sound of such trees coming at you over the miles and you hear something like the breath of Being itself, the very sigh of our becoming and passing away."

Everything here seems interconnected.  I meet the right people at the right time.  My needs are met daily; great and small.  The books I read, the emails I receive, the conversations I have with others, the thoughts I have as I go through my day ~ all have common threads that are practically visible. 

I am endlessly in awe of how grounded I feel here in Kauai.  I feel 'connected' to the spirit of God, the people, the land and the ocean.  All of nature is "One" and I feel it.   

Blessing appear daily in the form of new friends, unexpected gifts, and acts of kindness that touch my heart.    

I belong here. 

I am truly blessed. 

I forgive those who have wronged me and I ask forgiveness from those whom I have hurt as a I sometimes blindly stumbled along my life's winding path. 

I forgive and have compassion for myself as well.  

Mahalo to all who have played a part in my growth, my learning, my life.  

I am content.  

I still have so much to learn and experience.....

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