Thursday, October 13, 2011

Daily Dirt....

 Well, don't get too excited.... Daily Dirt does not refer to gossip; just... DIRT. 

The dirt is is plentiful and RED.   Here is an excerpt and link about Kauai's dirt: 

Red Dirt of Kauai

"One of the things that the island of Kauai is famous for, is its very vibrant (and somewhat annoying – if you get it on your clothes) deep red dirt. One popular application of the dirt is its use in dyeing t-shirts, the most well known of which are Dirt Shirts.

Image credit: Richard Puzio on SmugMug.
What causes Kauai’s dirt to be so red? Since Kauai is one of the oldest Hawaiian Islands, the high iron content of the volcanic soils has had plenty of time to oxidize, especially with the wet conditions of the island (Kauai is home to one of the wettest places on the planet)."

So, one of my daily habits, along with walking the neighborhood each morning and evening, is Swiffering my floors and wiping down the counter tops.  It takes 1 1/2 Swiffer pads per day to do my little Ohana.  Truly useless trivia you didn't need, but now you may have learned something new about Kauai. (Tip: If you come here on vacation, don't bring lots of spiffy new white clothes!)

I'm settling in to a nice quiet routine and I am loving the peaceful neighborhood (except for the chickens which start crowing between 4:30 and 5 a.m.)  The unofficial history of why feral chickens are so numerous is that many chicken farms were destroyed by Hurricane Iniki in 1992 and the chickens escaped and continue to live / bred happily and freely throughout the island.   

Honestly, although I've read posts where people complain about the numerous chickens, I find it part of the island charm and the crowing is in the distance, not under my bedroom window, so I'm sure that makes a difference. 

I promised pics of my place, so here are a few: 

  • My Kauai home is the very small section, (2b/1b), in the back, behind the palm tree. The family who lives in the main house are SUPER nice. I am so lucky to have found such a great place and wonderful people.   I have an  ocean view from both my bedroom and office. I love waking up and checking out the gorgeous view each morning. Every sunrise and sunset is 'different' and spectacular in its own way. 

  • My eat in kitchen with my bargain antique Craigslist table and chairs.....  :)

  • My sparsely furnished office......  (My friend, Diane's, bedroom one day??) 

  • My bedroom..... Someday I will find a bargain dresser, but until the rest of my clothes get here (a story for another day) I don't really need one. 

  • So far, the only two pieces in my living area are a wicker shelving unit (a freebie from the real estate agent who gave me the tip on this rental Ohana), and this cool coffee table.  Rumor has it that it is an antique pie cooling table. Fact or fiction?  I don't know and haven't checked it out yet. I just know it will look great with the love seat I will eventually find.... I will know it when I see it, I'm certain.

 So, the current plan for the weekend is to check out more of the island, browse some garage sales, and pick up the bistro set I purchased from the gentleman from whom I bought the antiques.  

There is also a "Healing Garden Fair" at Kilohana Plantation, which should be interesting... 

Tomorrow, I plan to register my Lexus which finally arrived earlier this week. It feels WONDERFUL to have my own vehicle again.

The sun has set and its a balmy 72 degrees; quite a lovely evening!


~  Kauai Kathy ~

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