Sunday, October 9, 2011

Week One Highlights!

Aloha to all my friends on the mainland ~  Per your (not so numerous) requests, I now have a blog!  I look forward to updating you with my adventures, thoughts, high points, challenges and tips about visiting and / or living in Kauai. 

In four short hours, I will be an official resident of Hawaii for an entire week. YAY!   I cannot believe I am really here and that I GET TO LIVE HERE.  

Just like I suspected when I visited in 1992, it really is possible to live your dream.... Others live here; I saw them, and I wanted to be one of them.  Little did I know that my desire would become my reality.  True, it's been almost 20 years since I first visited Hawaii and went back home with thoughts of relocating 'for just a year', but I am finally here!  I'm still pinching myself to be certain it is true many times per day. 

Every time I look at the incredible  mountain and ocean views, I am washed over with feelings of peace and happiness. There are no words to describe how beautiful it is here. You really must come and visit / experience it for yourself. 

Perhaps others feel this way about other areas, but Hawaii is my 'spiritual home', I think. Not sure what that means exactly, but I hope to gradually understand it as each month passes. 

I feel refreshed, even through all of my exhaustion. It's been a whirlwind 7 months of planning, preparation and execution.  I still shake my head in wonder at how 'magically' all the doors opened for me along the journey.  The 'glitches' have been so minimal and the positive outpouring of assistance from my friends has overwhelmed me with their love and kindness. 

I won't name names because in my exhaustion I might forget someone and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings by inadvertently leaving someone out. I am so incredibly grateful and awed by all the the blessings the Universe has sent my way to enable me to be here. You ALL know the part you played in helping me achieve this goal; from simple, but powerful, good wishes to Mark and Debbie's opening their home to me for two months, I am so thankful and appreciative towards each of you. THANK YOU (MAHALO) from the bottom of my heart.
So, now the synopsis of Week # 1 ~ ~ ~ 

I took the 'long way' to get here; four legs to the journey: CLE to CHI; CHI to SEA; SEA to HNL and HNL to LIH.  Because I chose a very long layover in Seattle, it took me 24 hours to arrive in Kauai from the time I awoke in Akron last Saturday morning.  However, the layover saved me $$$ and I was able to spend some quality time with Victoria B in Washington state.  She treated me to a delicious birthday lunch at a fantastic water front restaurant. (Thanks, V!) 

As many of you know, I typically take the 'hard way' instead of the 'easy way' to accomplish things. Don't know why...?  Hoping to figure that out  one day.  So, instead of renting the teeny tiny furnished efficiency that I had envisioned, I rented a two bedroom UNFURNISHED Ohana in Kalaheo. 

My first week was spent setting up my new home; looking for bargains and deciding where to pinch pennies and where to splurge. Of course, splurging should not even be considered since I am now officially unemployed with no source of income, but I DO need to be comfortable and happy, or what is the point of being here, right? 

So, my splurges were a (used) white Pottery Barn modular desk with lots of drawers, my new (antique) claw foot kitchen table and four ladder back chairs, my beautiful and comfortable bedding, and my new dishes. I feel SO spoiled!  :)

My bargains are:
  • My Ohana!  I am tickled that I have such a beautiful new home for only $50/month more than the rent on my place in Streetsboro. When I first saw this place, I immediately assumed it was out of my price range.  It is at the 'high end' of what I was planning to rent, but I have no regrets.  I have lots of room (relatively speaking) and it just feels 'right'. 
  • Walmart 'stuff'. Did you know that you can buy 3 forks for $1.50?? And, a four piece kitchen utensil set for $1.01.  Crazy, but true.  So, I'm enjoying my new china with Walmart silverware.  
  • My queen size box spring and mattress! I only paid 10% of the full retail price because I bought the floor model; the set everyone bounces up and down on to determine which is the 'right' mattress for them.  Add a thick, plush queen mattress cover and who cares? I sure don't. I'm sleeping very well!  :) 
  •  Some garage sale finds: wool throw rugs, very cool antique coffee table, mixing bowls, etc. 
I have the basics now and can live comfortably and happily until I find the other two major pieces I'd like: a loveseat (sleeper preferred, so all my friends can visit in 2012!) and a dresser. With those two purchases, I will be finished collecting 'stuff'. I am going with simple and clean this time. I do not need a lot of stuff; just enough to get by and I will be happy. 

A client quoted a saying from her mother right before I left.  I think it was, "a meal is as good as a feast". Maybe that is paraphrased but I get it!   I am going to (must) live simply and frugally while I'm here. Especially if I intend to stay here during the entire self-imposed 'one year sabbatical' from the mainland.  

It is interesting
to note how I've already become a 'different person' in such a short time....  I've never been a fan of antiques, but I completely love my new table and chairs. I am much more of a 'free spirit' about things, too.  I don't sweat the details and now assume that things are going to work out for the best.  Of course, that attitude has been slowly creeping up on me for years and serves me very well here.  I now rest assured and recognize that things / situations evolve the way they are 'supposed to', whatever that means.  Maybe I've turned into one of those 'new age types'?  No matter, I am HAPPY :) 

So, a few unexpected things along the way ~ 

The first 'major' one is that my car did not arrive yesterday as quoted / promised.  I've been following it's journey and ETA on line every few days.  Up until yesterday morning, the update was that I would be able to pick it up 10/7.  When I logged onto the carrier's website early yesterday, I was quite dismayed to learn that the new date is 10/12; five days later than expected. 

I do need transportation (no public transportation to speak of on Kauai), so I turned to rent a wreck (not it's real name) instead of Enterprise or another major name to save money.  The car 'does run', but its pretty junky!  It is bashed in a couple of places, the A/C only runs on high (but makes it sound like the engine is going to blow up, so the windows are the only real option) and the radio doesn't work.  It hasn't been cleaned in about 10 years and I think all of the sand on the floors and seats brings with it an infestation of sand fleas.  At least I sure as heck thought I could feel them crawling on my legs as I drove to Kmart and Walmart last night.... Maybe it was my imagination, but I left the windows open today so they could 'be free'.  

My place has a few quirky things:
  • The light bulb in the ceiling fan in my office is burned out and I don't know how to get the globe off. So, I'm typing in the dark and its a challenge to correct mistakes. This first blog is a bit of a challenge, so please forgive any typos. 
  • Closet doors are 'challenged'. One is too tight. One is too loose and one is 'just right'.  Goldilocks and the three bears are coming to mind here... 
  • I have to park on a very steep grade. Groceries and stuff rolls to the front of the car when I pull in. Have to be careful with produce, eggs and such. Today, I literally had to crawl INTO the trunk to retrieve my groceries.  I'm sure that was an interesting sight for the neighbors. Kathy, in her trashed vehicle's truck. Bizarre looking, I'm sure.
  • Turns out there is a streetlight right outside my bedroom window. The shades do a pretty good job blocking it, but still, I'm not used to that. I've been spoiled by my private back yard 'at home'.  
  • And, my unit is on the corner of two streets. Certainly more traffic than my quiet little cul de sac back in OH. 
The only other minor glitch is that I misplaced / lost my credit card today. Somewhere between Walmart and Kmart it has disappeared.  I called and cancelled it and verified no bogus charges were on the account, so it's just a minor inconvenience to use a different card until the new one shows up. 
Between setting up my new place and working on all the images from the 10 photo shoots I did before I left Ohio, the week has flown by.  I haven't achieved my goal of resting, rejuvenating, reading and relaxing, yet, so I guess I'll have to stick around for Week # 2. 

Only got 4 hours of sleep last night, so I better close for now. I'm hoping that this posting has some semblance of sense to it since I don't do well with little sleep.  After my shopping frenzy last night, I 'had' to wash the new dishes and pots and pans, and put all  my treasures away so I didn't wake up to a mess. Guess that part of my personality is still going strong... Sigh. 

Cross your fingers, say a prayer, light candles, and send good vibes to the Universe that my car arrives next week, in good shape, and ready to roll! 

Planning to take the day 'off' tomorrow and go snorkeling!   Should be fun... and it's about time, don't you think?? 

Hugs and blessings to all ~ Kauai Kathy 

PS - I went to a local farmer's market today and bought fresh tomatoes, basil, coconut, bananas and mango. YUM! There were also lots of fruits and veggies that were foreign to me. Guess I'll have fun trying them out, one by one.  The bananas were SO good!  Can't even describe how delicious and different they were from the mainland. These were very sweet; tiny, but good!  A whole bunch of bananas for a dollar. And, my goodness, you should have seen the little Asian lady make short work of that coconut with a giant machete; very impressive!   G'night all. ~ K


  1. That's awesome. I've already subscribed to the blog. Can't wait for more! This is Jared by the way. :)

  2. Subscribed!! I will be reading this with tremendous interest ;)

  3. I can't believe you did it! I have been asking Jordan about it for a while now whether you were really planning on it or if it was just a dream of yours. I guess it was both for you. I was cracking about the sand flea incident. oh boy. I can't imagine the things you are experiencing (the sights, snorkeling!, and delicious fresh fruits..). Please add some pictures to your posts! It is amazing that you decided to do this and stuck with it. So many people just set dreams aside. You are inspiring.

  4. I promise I will start taking more pics along the journey! I plan to keep the camera in the car with me from now on. Thanks for the kind words! ~ K
