Monday, February 13, 2012

2/13/2012 Pe'e Point

I've been hearing from locals that the whales have been super active this year. So, on Sunday instead of staying home and sorting through mail, paying bills, etc. as originally planned, I decided to go to Pe'e Point and watch for whales. 

As soon as I arrived, I could see multiple whale spouts out on the water. I counted seven from the parking lot!  I thought it would be the perfect day to set up camp and watch the show.

I think they saw me coming...  As soon as I found a good spot, got out my camera and sat down, there wasn't a whale in sight.  

I was, however, captivated by the waves crashing on the rocks. I never become complacent with my gorgeous surroundings.  Pe'e Point is a beautiful spot; whales or no whales. 
How close can I get without getting washed out to sea?

 I could have held the camera a little straighter!

One of my favorite shots of the day

I still can't believe I live here
No one has been able to tell me why, but the giant sea turtles love to hang out in the swirling waters and crashing waves near the rocks. It seems they would be bashed against the rocks, but they appear to 'enjoy the ride'. And, yes, the teeny tiny turtle in this photo really is huge. Can you even see him? I guess it gives you some perspective of Pe'e Point. 
Round and round we go ~ Whee!
I did manage to capture a few fairly good shots of one breaching whale, but the pics aren't as clear as I would like.  If he had just been a bit closer to shore.  Better luck next time, perhaps. 

It's frustrating that I saw closer whales when I was on the beach snorkeling with my friends last week (when I didn't have my camera with me). Who would think one could see breaching whales right from the beach?  OK, it sounds like I am on the verge of complaining and I certainly have no room to complain when my NE Ohio friends are shoveling snow and trying to stay warm!  I am truly blessed to be living this life, I know..... 

Maybe the whales will be more cooperative and swim close to the boat on Saturday when I plan to go snorkeling and whale watching with Blue Dolphin Charter Tours again.
After three hours, I was feeling a bit 'salty'.  I needed to go home, wash off the salt, and find some food, but I grabbed a few parting shots before my camera battery died. 
These birds are actually HUGE, but they look so small....

Another beautiful day on Kauai....
That was yesterday... Today was another adventure, but I'll share those pics with you another day.  
Hugs and Much Aloha to all my friends on the mainland.  "Goodnight and God Bless" as my brother, David, used to say.

PS - Have any of you found the "Secret Gardens" CD's yet?  I never tire of listening to them; such rich and beautiful music.

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