Sunday, February 5, 2012

2/5/2012 Aloha!

Aloha from Kalaheo :)    All is well here, I've just been very busy playing tour guide to many friends from the mainland.

My cousin, Diane, who was here in December, came back already.   She was only able to be here for one day this time, so we had a whirlwind tour of the island.  Great fun!  I think she is already planning her next visit.  Gee, do you think she loves it here?

My dear friend, Robert, and his girlfriend Pamela were here in mid-January for a week. I so enjoy showing 'my island' to my friends. There is SO much to do here, it's always hard to choose what to see and do during the short time each has been able to spend here.  They stayed on the east side, near the airport, and I was pleased to hike with them up Sleeping Giant Mountain, visit Kauai Coffee, and share a few good meals. I introduced them to some of my friends during Happy Hour at Casablanca, too.

Pamela and Robert
Currently, Barb and Vytas, good friends from NE Ohio are visiting.  They're staying on the North Shore, so I've spent time with them 'up North' and they've made the trek to the South Shore a few times, too.  

I visited Waimea Canyon with them and the view was gorgeous. 

Photo 1 from Kokee in December

Photo 2 from Kokee in December
We traveled further up the road to Kokee, but we were socked in and couldn't see a thing.  It was odd to be in the midst of a cloud and see it swirling around us. Of course, since we were over 3,000 ft above sea level, it was about 20 degrees cooler on the top of the mountain than when we started. Good thing we were prepared with jackets and long pants. 

Tomorrow, we have plans to tour the Allerton Gardens at National Tropical Botanical Gardens. We have reservations for a Na Pali Coast Sunset Dinner Cruise on Tuesday with Blue Dolphin Charters.  I'm hoping to also have time to take them to Spouting Horn, Kukui'ula Shopping Plaza, and the Orchid Garden at Kiuhuna Plantation.  It would be great if they get to meet my "Taco Tuesday" friends, too. We'll see if we can fit all that into our busy schedule. 

(BTW, Happy Birthday, Vytas and congratulations to you both!)

I recommended Blue Dolphin since I know Terry, the owner of the company, from the monthly dances held at the Nawiliwili Yacht Club.  I've met a lot of super nice people here and I look forward to getting to hear Terry's story and how he ended up on Kauai. I feel 'everyone has a story' and one of my favorite things in life is to learn about people. Now that I've relocated to Kauai, I'm interested in hearing how each came to be here.  I love the details ~ where they are from; what 'called' them to the islands; how long they've been here, etc. I've always been a "people person" and most people here are happy to share their stories. 

Barb's and Vytas' time on Kauai is passing waaaay too quickly for my taste. It was SO wonderful to see friends from home. I was thrilled to see them when they arrived at my place in Kalaheo. It was surreal to see friends from home in 'my new life' on Kauai.  

Although I love my life here, I do miss my friends and my two cats; Smitters and Indy-Kitty.  I'm grateful that my cats have found a happy and loving home with Tony. (Mahalo Nui, Tony.  And, thanks for the email updates on the kitties welfare and behavior. It helps to know they are happy and well!)

I'm tired from a fun, but long, day. This morning, I hiked down to a rather private beach with my neighbors before their Super Bowl Party.  I learned from Dave and Rose that there is a path at the bottom of my street that leads one through the Kauai Coffee Company fields to a pristine beach that has no access other than through the coffee fields.  It's a 4 mile / 1.5 hr hike, so I'd prefer to make the trek when it is a little cooler next time. Glad I took lots of water.  It's very special to be on such a beautiful stretch of beach and have it all to yourself.  I plan to take my camera next time, so I can post photos of the 'private beach'.

I'm beat from a long day / week / month, and I know this posting is suffering from mental fog, for sure, so I apologize for rambling.  Will write more soon and include pics, too!  I plan to be more coherent, too ;) 

I hope all my friends and family on the mainland are doing well. Please write, call, send smoke signals, or other communication to update me on your adventures, too! 

Hugs and much Aloha to all ~ 


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