Monday, February 27, 2012

Wild Kingdom ~ Kauai Style

I know I should take my camera with me everywhere, but sometimes I think I'm just going out for a short walk and won't see anything special. Not true ~ there is always something that catches my eye or captures my interest.  

During my early morning walk, I disturbed a hen and her little chicks as they were roaming around the grounds at Kukuiolono Golf Course.  I would have loved to capture her urgent clucking / warning of danger and their quick response.  Seven little chicks ran quickly underneath her protective skirt (feathers) and could no longer be seen.  Two seconds later, the eighth little one emerged from under a nearby bush and scooted under, too. That little scene would have been an adorable sequences of photos, or short film clip. I missed it. Drats. 

On my way home from the gardens this afternoon, I saw a Myna bird sitting on a horse's back as he calmly stood eating grass.  As he meandered across the pasture, the bird rode along, completely undisturbed by the motion.  Another missed photo op. 

However, I did have my cell phone with me the other day and snapped a couple of shots of this little guy out for a morning stroll (slide? slither?).  I was surprised by how long his neck is. I guess it's called a neck, right?  I've never seen one of these shells inhabited before.

When startled, he doesn't pull his neck and head in. Instead, it curls under from the antenna to the head, to the neck until it's all underneath the shell and completely undetectable. It was a very interesting motion.  

I enjoy being able to slow down and watch nature as it unfolds before me.  It's a different life than on the mainland where I was constantly rushing and oblivious to most things happening around me. This is Living, not rushing, and I love this aspect of my life here.  

I've finally learned my lesson. My Canon camera is now packed, recharged and ready to go for the next time I head out the door for more unexpected Wild Kingdom adventures.  Now, if I can only find my pocket camera that shoots video.....


  1. Your cell does a good job filling in! How much longer will you be there?
