Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas 2011 at Kokee!

Photos I took at Kokee State Park on Christmas Day. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves....

If you click on one of the photos you will be able to see the photos as a slide show.


Friday, December 30, 2011

12/30/2011 Kayaking in Kauai

Did I mention I bought a kayak?  

It's a Pungo 120 Ultralite; a 12' hybrid ocean / river kayak, with an emphasis on river.  I've only had her out a handful of times on Kauai rivers, so I'm not yet confident enough to take her out on the Pacific.

Narrow passage on Hanalei River

Thursday, December 29, 2011

12/29/2011 Photographs and Memories....

The hike up Sleeping Giant Mountain in November: 

The upper left peak is where we are heading...
Almost to the top...Can you see me? 

Monday, December 26, 2011

12/26/2011 Interconnectedness

Noun1.interconnectedness - a state of being connected reciprocally

This morning, as I was  s.l.o.w.l.y  awakening I noticed once again how beautifully the early morning sunlight brightens the bedroom. The walls, indeed, the entire room becomes practically luminescent; so white, so brilliant.   

The cool breeze swirls through the open windows and the breeze as it caresses my face is.... truly 'sweet'.  It feels like the breath of God is blessing me each morning.  

Saturday, December 24, 2011

12/24/2011 Healing in Hawaii

In spite of all the fun adventures I've had with my new friends during my 3 months in Kauai, I have also spent time working towards my original goals of Reading, Reflecting, and Rejuvenating.  It hasn't been all 'fun and games", but life here has been fruitful and productive in many ways. 

Two books which have helped me tremendously are: 

12/24/2011 Mele Malikimaka from Kauai! 

Friday, December 23, 2011

12/23/2011 Mele Kalikimaka!

Aloha and Mele Kalikimaka (Hello and Merry Christmas)!  

All is well in Kauai; just busy having fun and enjoying life.  So cool to snorkel two days before Christmas :)  Lots of colorful fish to see at Kuhio Park today. 

The days continue to fly by.  This was another fantastic week of going where the wind blows me. 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

North Shore Adventures

Aloha!  Yesterday morning, Diane and I explored the North shore.  We drove to the 'end of the road' and hiked 1/2 mile up Kalalau Trail. It's pretty steep going and can be rather treacherous on the slippery rocks, but we made it to 'windy point' and were rewarded with majestic views of both Napali Coast (from a distance) and Ke'e Beach.  

After lunch at Red Hot Mamas burrito stand, we visited beautiful Hanalei Bay. It was a bit misty so we didn't have clear views of the mountains and typical waterfalls.  Still, the ocean was beautiful and peaceful.  It's a busy beach and lots were boogie boarding and enjoying the waves. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Alive and well!

Aloha, All!   Yes, I am alive and well.  :) 

Thanks to those of you who asked about my welfare since I have been MIA for over a month.  I knew I hadn't posted in 'awhile', but I thought it was about 2 weeks, not over a month. 

Yikes, time DOES fly by.... 

I just got back from a week on Oahu, sightseeing with my cousin, Diane.   I had never been to Honolulu / Waikiki before and it was an fun experience. I'll post my thoughts, pics and adventures next week when I have a moment to catch my breathe.  

Diane flew back with me to Kauai and we have a tremendously long 'to do list' to accomplish before she leaves on the weekend.  We had a great time on Oahu and the laughs and adventures continue here.  

We're heading off to the north shore today; should be an all day excursion, with lots of stops along the way. 

Will post again next week, with pics! 

Hugs and Happiness to all ~ Kathy

PS - I absolutely LOVE it here and am incredibly happy. Thanks for caring, my friends :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

11-4-11 Craigslist Finds!

Gotta love Craigslist. It is THE place to shop in Hawaii.  Yesterday, I found and purchased some beautiful items to finish furnishing my place.   It now truly feels like home to me. I may not ever want to move back to Ohio, unless I have some compelling reason....  :) 

Wicker Rocking Chair & 5' x 7' green wool rug ~ finally a comfortable place to read inside :)
The pillows on the rocking chair perfectly match the pictures my dear friend, Kay, gave me as a Going Away / Happy Birthday gift!

Comfy, large chair for reading outside. The cushions are faded, so I'm comfortable leaving this piece outside on my lanai :)
"Extra" rugs.....
My friend Barb, "Bargain Hunter Extraordinaire", will be so proud of me.  I bought all eight of the green wool rugs the woman had to sell. It was such a great deal, I couldn't pass it up. I needed only three of them.  I sold the rest today on Craigslist for a nice profit. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Free Lunch ... sort of

Yesterday played out like most days here.... I have a general idea of what I'd like to do, but life brings unexpected surprises along the way. 

I had heard that there are several walking trails, with gorgeous views, at Kukuiolono Golf Course. I had been there the week before, but just to see the Japanese Gardens. 

So, armed with my camera and a spring in my step, I left my house around 7:30 am.  I was greeted with another beautiful rainbow the moment I stepped out my front door. 

Rainbows are so frequent here, since misty rain showers occur from the smallest of clouds. The sky can be almost completely blue and one little overhead cloud will provide brief sprinkles for just a moment or two. It's kind of refreshing actually. 

Kakela Makai Rainbow
Within 10 - 15 minutes of my hike, I met a woman walking her dog, XoXo (zuu zuu).  She was very pleasant and invited me to go with her to the National Tropical Botanical Gardens to volunteer for two hours that morning.  In return for the volunteer time, a free potluck lunch is provided.   So, I never really got to see much of the hiking trails / views, but below are the few pics I took before I was recruited by Mehia. 

It's interesting to note the different types of foliage and plant life here. It's not all palm trees and tropical flowers.  

I agreed to meet Mehia back at the golf course in 1/2 hour so I could follow her back to the gardens. It's a good thing I followed her because the 'road' she took me on didn't even appear on my GPS and seemed like it was just for 'four wheelers' in some points. I congratulated myself for shipping my SUV here. It truly was the best decision I could have made regarding transportation in Kaua'i.  A car would have had a challenge with the route. 

Another woman ended up following us to the gardens. When she got out of her vehicle, I was surprised to see Jody, a woman I met at the Hyatt last week. She participated in the Hula Aerobics and Water Aerobics with me during the Kaua'i Aloha Festival. It really is a small island. It's amazing how many people I 'know' that I've run into multiple times already! 

Once we got to the gardens, I was introduced to Bob, who directs the volunteers for the day's projects.  Mehia, Jody and I ended up joining a group who was taking down a Haunted House. Turns out they had a big event the night before. They said they considered it a huge success since they had 1,200 people go through. Wow! Sounds like it was a great night. 

After pulling down black tarps, taking apart stuffed mummys, and piling up the bamboo used for supports, we headed back to the greenhouse.  For the last 45 minutes of my 2 hour volunteer time, I washed plant pots with two women who've lived in Kaua'i for over 25 years. They were full of tips and suggestions; very friendly. 

I did learn from Melia that she recently sold a loveseat and outdoor lounge chair; each for $35. Drats! Those are the only big items left on my wish list. Guess I need to keep checking Craigslist and head out to some more garage sales. 

The potluck lunch was good and at the end of the buffet table was a huge selection of fruit that people brought to give away. I left with a sense of accomplishment, a full belly, and lots of locally grown fruit: a papaya, some bananas, star fruit and passion fruit.  It was a satisfying day in many ways. 

Typically, they offer a free tour of the gardens for the volunteers, but the guide was exhausted from the Halloween event so there was no tour yesterday.  I'll be back....

They did have a brief talk about the plants they were potting yesterday; very informative and interesting.

FYI- I was told that volunteers can also get a free pass for a guest or two. So, if you come to visit, we can get a behind the scenes tour of the National Tropical Botanical Gardens.  :) 

Since I wasn't planning to spend 1/2 the day volunteering, I didn't stick around too long afterwards to learn more about the gardens. Will find out more next week.  The grounds appear quite extensive.  Here are a few pics I took on my way out. 

If you enlarge this photo and look closely, you'll see a red car about 1/3 from the right. In the distance, you can see a bit of the ocean. This gives you an idea of how extensive the grounds are.  Can't wait to see more...

These two live in the neighborhood on the way out of the gardens.

Last night, I ended up handing out Halloween candy for Genevieve and Dale since they were out trick or treating with their little ones.  The trick or treaters here actually get to wear their costumes sans gloves, coats, scarves, etc. 

It certainly is a different world.  The weather is rarely an issue regarding your plans. It's pretty much the same every day ~ Lots of sun with some light sprinkles when you least expect it. 

I'm so used to listening to the weather at 'home' each day to decide what to wear.  Here, it is so cool to just get up and get dressed in shorts and t-shirt every single day, without a thought about the weather forecast at all.  

However, today I woke up to gray, cloudy skies and some serious rain.  I felt like I was back in NE Ohio. But, since I've been here a full month already, I'm ok with one rainy day to 30 days of sunshine. And, BTW, it cleared up in about two hours and we have sunshine again :) 

Wow! I am so not used to that. Cleveland has so many back to back gray days that we get excited when we actually have a full day of sunshine.  Another thing that is different here is that no one talks about the weather.  It's the same every day...gorgeous.  At 'home', the weather is a frequent topic since it is so changeable. It's always a safe subject; a conversation starter; an ice breaker, etc.  In Kauai, it's a non issue. 

Well, I always feel like I am 'wasting time' when the sun is shining and I am indoors, so I need to accomplish some mundane tasks like internet research and paying bills,  before I go outside and get the day started.  

Wonder what today's adventures will bring....? 


Kauai Kathy

Monday, October 31, 2011

A balancing act...

Well, if the past two weeks are anything to go by, I am failing miserably at Resting, Relaxing and Rejuvenating.  I just might have to commit to staying longer... until I get it 'right'? 

I was supposed to regain 'balance' once I settled into my new place in Kalaheo.  I know I'm happiest when I have a nice mix of productivity and play. (The Libra in me, perhaps?)  Anyway, the past few years were completely exhausting, so I intended to add resting, relaxing and rejuvenating to the mix.  

Instead, I found so many fun and interesting things to do recently, that my calendar became a replication of Ohio days ~ This is Not Good!  

Here is a recap of what I've been doing lately: 
  •  DANCING ~  Two weeks ago, I danced five out of seven nights!  I found a small, but active, group of West Coast Swing (WCS), Hustle and Night Club Two (NC2) dancers here. They have been incredibly nice and have invited me to their Tuesday and Thursday night dancing at Roy's.  They also offer a lesson and open dancing on Sunday nights at the Neighborhood Center in Koloa.  Once per month, there is a dance at the Nawiliwili Yacht Club and that happened to be Friday, Oct 21st.  On Saturday, Oct 22nd, the local ballroom community sponsored their 7th Annual Ball and I 'had' to go to that. Heck, it's only once per year.  How could I miss the opportunity to attend the ball and meet 250 other attendees?  So, lots of dancing that week and great fun, too.
  • ALOHA KAUA'I WEEK ~ The Grand Hyatt Kaua'i sponsored the four day event last week, and I chose to participate in the Hula Aerobics, 2.5 mile ocean view hike, and Water Aerobics.  I also went back last night to watch a show of traditional Hawaiian music and dancing at Seaview Terrace and attend the Pa Hula Na Kane o Keoneloa: a demonstration of the ancient traditions of native Hawaiian male chants and hula dancing. Let me tell you, the male version of hula is completely different that the beautiful and graceful female version. This was strong and powerful; very impressive, so I'm glad I went. 
  • ZUMBA ~ A local church offers free Zumba classes at 7:45 am on Mondays and Wednesdays, but I only went once last week.
  • COMPLIMENTARY SHOWING OF WHALE MIGRATION DOCUMENTARY ~ The movie, shown last Thursday evening, was narrated by Patrick Stewart and described various types of whales and their migration patterns and summer and winter 'homes'.  The whales are starting to arrive in Kauai now and will be here until March, or so. The movie was informative and enjoyable.  I look forward to going 'whale watching' with my new friends; one of whom is a boat captain for Captain Andy's. They have an incredibly good reputation for wonderful catamaran sailing tours and whale watching excursions.  
  • BELLY DANCE DEMONSTRATON ~ Ok, I guess I could have passed on this one, but belly dancing has always fascinated me. How the heck can they do that???  I recognize that I have the same body parts, but mine certainly cannot move like that. I'm in awe and impressed, for sure :) 
  • 22 NORTH HAPPY HOUR ~ 22 North is a wonderful restaurant that creates their daily recipes based on the produce they grow on Kilohana Plantation and grass fed beef raised in Kauai.  The food is delicious and the atmosphere is relaxing and upscale / trendy.  The Happy Hour and live music was just too tempting to pass up. 
  • TACO TUESDAY @ DUKE'S ~ Duke's is a great waterfront restaurant in the Marriott complex in Lihue. It's right on the harbor and it's a fun place to go. My new neighbors, Dave and Rose, go each Tuesday and they've invited me to join them and 'the gang'. It's been fun to meet their friends (locals and visitors) each week and the $2 fish tacos are a bargain, for sure.  They are regulars there, and I guess I will be a 'regular' soon, too...
I really did relax a bit, though.  I finished reading one library book (fiction by Rick Riordan) and read a little bit of each of the other four books I'm reading.  One of them is "The Power of Now", by Eckhart Tolle.  It was recommended to me about 8 years ago and was recently given to me as a gift.  It's an interesting read, but one that has to be read in small doses and pondered along the way.  Good stuff, for sure. 

I also cleaned my apartment, washed the car, visited the pool a couple of times, and ran some errands.  

I recognize the error of my ways and vow that this week won't be quite so jam packed with 'activities'.  

Maybe I'll only go to Zumba once;  Rob's once;  the 2.5 mile walk at the Hyatt once; and, oh wait... I forgot... I've been meaning to go to the Hanapepe Art Walk which is held on Friday evenings. I hear there are 16 galleries!  

And, I have a book listing 55 Day Hikes on Kauai.  I should check out of couple of those so I can recommend them to my cousin, Diane, when she visits me in early December. 

And, a gentleman at the pool suggested that I go to the Barking Sands Military Base restaurant, because the meals are inexpensive and good, and the sunset views are spectacular. 

And, I've been meaning to drive up to the North Side to visit Kilauea Lighthouse, Hanalei Bay and Princeville. Each of those areas is beautiful and I haven't been there since my vacation in August.  

Drats!  See, what I mean... I really do have the best intention of Resting, Relaxing and Rejuvenating, but with so many fun and interesting things to do, there just really isn't enough time...Maybe November will be better?  Wait, November is in two days.... How about December?  

No, that won't work. I'm going to Honolulu for the first five days and then Diane is coming to stay with me for the next five days.... 

PS - For those of you inquiring if I have a job yet, the answer is NO!  Where would I find time for a job?   Gee, I wonder if I can recall the resume I sent out today?? 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

A friendly neighbor....

This little guy hangs around my apartment... we sometimes fight for my parking space.  He looks like he is a young one to me, but I'm no ornithologist..

I hear a lot of beautiful bird calls each morning, but have yet to match the birds with the appropriate sounds.   I'll take more pics as I identify 'who' they are :)

Kukuiolono Park & Golf Course

Kukuiolono Park and Golf Course is only 1/2 mile from my house. I pass it every single day, on my way to and from my apartment.  It sits high up on the hill and overlooks the Pacific.  Yesterday was the first day I actually stopped and checked it out.  

In addition to the golf course, there is a lovely, peaceful Japanese Garden with gorgeous views of the ocean.   

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Club Kauai

After being here for a little over three weeks, I've come to realize that moving to Kauai is like joining an exclusive club of happy and contented folks.  The members are warm & welcoming and so happy to have another member join them on their adventure. 

I've talked to dozens and dozens of people and our stories are all so similar.  We are all here because this is where we choose to be!  

Each of us has fulfilled the common dream of living in Kauai. We are excited to be here.  Each of us has made similar choices, and paid the literal and figurative costs to be here. We've all left family and friends behind. We all appreciate the beauty and spirit of Kauai. 

I've been told 'Welcome Home' by natives and transplants alike. 

It is a wonderful feeling to be welcomed with open arms by so many.   I invite you to visit and feel what the Kauai Aloha Spirit is all about.... 

~ ~ Kauai Kathy ~~ 
Don't Dream..... Do! 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Lani Nu'u, Apt. B

Front and back of my place on Lani Nu'u Street ~ 

Front ~ (Garage is theirs; I have street parking privileges)

Back ~ (The 6 small paned windows are their garage; not part of my small place)

Pics as Promised

Here are some photos I took during my sunrise walk this morning....

The daily walk down the hill (of course, I have to walk back up afterwards...sigh) 

At the bottom of the hill....another spectacular sunrise: 


 Local neighborhood foliage:

Now for the harder part ~ Going back up....

Internet Access Woes... and living frugally in Paradise!

Aloha from Kauai!   Long time, no updates..... My internet access here is 'poor' at best.  I don't have my own service provider and am struggle to figure out a method for gaining a stronger signal through the 'guest' access provided by my landlords. 

So, frustration abounds when I try to catch up on emails, post to the blog, pay bills, etc.  Seems like evenings here are next to impossible.  So far, my best times are when everyone else here is either sleeping or working. 

It's been a week since I posted, so let's see... where to start?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Daily Dirt....

 Well, don't get too excited.... Daily Dirt does not refer to gossip; just... DIRT. 

The dirt is is plentiful and RED.   Here is an excerpt and link about Kauai's dirt: 

Red Dirt of Kauai

"One of the things that the island of Kauai is famous for, is its very vibrant (and somewhat annoying – if you get it on your clothes) deep red dirt. One popular application of the dirt is its use in dyeing t-shirts, the most well known of which are Dirt Shirts.

Image credit: Richard Puzio on SmugMug.
What causes Kauai’s dirt to be so red? Since Kauai is one of the oldest Hawaiian Islands, the high iron content of the volcanic soils has had plenty of time to oxidize, especially with the wet conditions of the island (Kauai is home to one of the wettest places on the planet)."

So, one of my daily habits, along with walking the neighborhood each morning and evening, is Swiffering my floors and wiping down the counter tops.  It takes 1 1/2 Swiffer pads per day to do my little Ohana.  Truly useless trivia you didn't need, but now you may have learned something new about Kauai. (Tip: If you come here on vacation, don't bring lots of spiffy new white clothes!)

I'm settling in to a nice quiet routine and I am loving the peaceful neighborhood (except for the chickens which start crowing between 4:30 and 5 a.m.)  The unofficial history of why feral chickens are so numerous is that many chicken farms were destroyed by Hurricane Iniki in 1992 and the chickens escaped and continue to live / bred happily and freely throughout the island.   

Honestly, although I've read posts where people complain about the numerous chickens, I find it part of the island charm and the crowing is in the distance, not under my bedroom window, so I'm sure that makes a difference. 

I promised pics of my place, so here are a few: 

  • My Kauai home is the very small section, (2b/1b), in the back, behind the palm tree. The family who lives in the main house are SUPER nice. I am so lucky to have found such a great place and wonderful people.   I have an  ocean view from both my bedroom and office. I love waking up and checking out the gorgeous view each morning. Every sunrise and sunset is 'different' and spectacular in its own way. 

  • My eat in kitchen with my bargain antique Craigslist table and chairs.....  :)

  • My sparsely furnished office......  (My friend, Diane's, bedroom one day??) 

  • My bedroom..... Someday I will find a bargain dresser, but until the rest of my clothes get here (a story for another day) I don't really need one. 

  • So far, the only two pieces in my living area are a wicker shelving unit (a freebie from the real estate agent who gave me the tip on this rental Ohana), and this cool coffee table.  Rumor has it that it is an antique pie cooling table. Fact or fiction?  I don't know and haven't checked it out yet. I just know it will look great with the love seat I will eventually find.... I will know it when I see it, I'm certain.

 So, the current plan for the weekend is to check out more of the island, browse some garage sales, and pick up the bistro set I purchased from the gentleman from whom I bought the antiques.  

There is also a "Healing Garden Fair" at Kilohana Plantation, which should be interesting... 

Tomorrow, I plan to register my Lexus which finally arrived earlier this week. It feels WONDERFUL to have my own vehicle again.

The sun has set and its a balmy 72 degrees; quite a lovely evening!


~  Kauai Kathy ~

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Pics of Beautiful Kauai

These are photos I took during my last visit to Kauai. Perhaps they will give you a sense of why  I feel so blessed to be here!  

Later this week, I will take and post pics of my new place and my neighborhood. 

~ Kauai Kathy